Registration is now CLOSED. We hope to see you at our next TAPBA Education Class in May 2021!
Online Class Date:
February 11, 2021
Class Time:
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM (CST)
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic this class will be held virtually.
Once you are registered, the week of the class, you will receive a login code that is unique to you. This login code will allow you admittance into the online class. The login code will come via email from UT Conference Services on February 9, 2021.
The cost of this class is $225. Registration with payment is due no later than February 1, 2021 at 5:00pm CST. If you do not have your registration in with payment by February 1, 2021, you will not be registered for this class. No changes can be made to your registration after November 6. Refunds will be made after the class for cancellations but will contain a $25 administrative fee.
NOTE: Beginners and those seeking to work as a bounty hunter may take this class.
Terms & Conditions
All continuing education will be provided online in a single, 8-hour block with a specific start and end time. That education block has been divided into four sessions that you will be required to sign into. These sessions have a specific beginning and ending time. At the end of these two-hour sessions you will be required to answer a survey. A lunch break will be provided.
If you are unable or unwilling to attend electronically on the date and at the times presented, you should not register. By registering for the class you are acknowledging that you have access to the technology and internet access that allows you to attend remotely and that you have the ability to attend on the date and at the times listed.
While short breaks during the presentation are understandable, and in some cases a necessity, you are expected to attend the full 8-hour block and certify, under penalty of perjury, that you did so at the end of the course. If you do not make the certification, you will not receive credit for attendance. If you make that certification and, upon investigation, it appears that you did not attend the full 8-hour block, the presiding judge of the judicial district(s) in which you write will be notified of our investigation and its findings.
All participants must remain for the entire class to obtain the certificate; which will be mailed after attendance has been verified.
For those who attended the August 20 and 27, 2020 Classes, we are verifying attendance logs and mailing certificates to those that completed the 8-hour virtual class. You should receive your certificate in the mail within a week of taking the class.
If you took a TAPBA Class in 2019, your I.D. badge DOES NOT EXPIRE and you are NOT required to have a new I.D. badge made. If you are new to the industry or need a new badge, you may request a badge in the link below. YOU MUST HAVE COMPLETED AN AUGUST CLASS TO REQUEST AN ID BADGE (we will verify this information before sending any badges).