C-SPAN Panel -- Criminal Justice System and Bail Reform

The Brookings Institution held a discussion to examine ways to make changes to the criminal justice system’s use of fees, fines and bail.

When we’re talking about a radical measure, such as eliminating cash bail, we need to focus on the paradigmatic cases of the people we’re talking about. If we’re eliminating cash bail, yeah we’re going to let some innocent people go, but we’re going to let guilty people go as well. If we eliminate cash bail, we eliminate bounty hunter and the bounty hunter is a highly incentivized system which actually work.

Alex Tabarrok, Economics Professor at George Mason University

View Alex Taborrok’s comments here: https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4786834/alex-tabarrok&fbclid=IwAR0_iqikQ47liCzebdpBzhqqLXCgS4HDUztxLuRLC2pw-0a9yDY_AhkImE8

View the full video here: https://www.c-span.org/video/?458816-2/criminal-justice-system-bail-reform